The last days has been a relevation. For the first time I have seen my own brainactivity with my eyes, and also seen it change as I meditate. On the picture above I'm hooked up with an EEG-device based on the OpenEEG-project, that a friend of me built. We met at Chaos Computer Club, and when he found out that i'm doing Zen-meditation he wanted to try out his device on me to see if i could block out Beta-waves (asociated with thinking and reasoning), and bring up the Theta-waves (asociated with contemplative states, and meditation). We did a few experiments and the most interesting thing was to see my brain reacting on words which had high information-density, or switching the meaning of a sentance. I could actually see the thoughts form as I listened to my friend explaining something. Word by word. Amazing! The second interesting thing was to see the effects on the brainwaves during the meditation. The beta-spectrum in both the right and the left hemisphere was blank and calm in less than a minute! And after 15 minute the program hanged... What was I thinking of??? ;-)
I've decided to order one of theese and try to attach bluetooth to it, so I can wear it during longer period of activity, like working, dancing, playing the cello, or similar things. Then maybe hook myself up to my mobilephone, and i'd never have to send SMS anymore ;-)
Well, this was the "first light" just like the child that sees itself in the mirror for the first time, it was a thrilling experience to watch my own thoughts appearing on the screen of the laptop! I think, therefor I am. I know it because I've seen it!