Monday, June 16, 2014

First day at Singularity University

After 5 years silence, I've re-purposed my old "general purpose" travel blog to use for writing about what I experience here at SU.
It's sunday and we've had a first round of introduction,  and it's amazing how many intelligent people is gathered here at NASA's research facility in Silicon Valley. We also did Peter Skillman's "Marshmallo challange", and managed to build 13.5inches tower.
(Winner managed 29 inches).
Paulo (om my right) is my room mate here at SU, and we're both aspiring DJ's!!

But, here are a few random ideas that we've been discussing so far:
Space elevator & astroid mining:
A gigantic space elevator could make astroid-mining possible, and trigger the world of abundance, and inflation similar to what happened when the Spanish brought gold from the "New World" to the "Old World" as described in the book "The ascent of Money".
The lab...
here at SU looks very promising, and i've only scratched the surface by playing around with the Oculus Rift, dissecting a spider with Leap Motion controller and discussed the problems with 3d-interfaces and "confirm actions" (clicking) with the lab assistants.
Body tracking:
I learned about the Scanadu which is a medical device (1-min overview here), and we've been talking about how new non-invasive sensors for monitoring your body could be combined with personalized nutrition supplement to help you perform better.

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